Hedgehogs, Bugs and More...
After a short Thanksgiving break it was great to see all of our little learners back! We kept ourselves very busy and here is why..
We continue learning the color palette and the color of today is BLACK.
Based on the past classes themes we practiced different activities to develop pattern recognition, counting skills (1-15) and all this with the constant vocabulary enrichment.
Most of our little learners have very limited exposure to Russian language.
If you are ever in our class you will notice me constantly repeating the words within the defined topic. I will also speak slower, especially when doing individual assignments which lets the kids to better recognize and remember the vocabulary.
We are learning a new letter this month - Лл by working with the flash cards and individual assignments. In the next couple of weeks we will be practicing reading as well as writing Лл in connection with the letters we already learned.
Poem we are learning: "Наша Таня Громко Плачет"
Reading Time: "Под Грибом" by V. Suteev
Circle Time: we were singing an old but very well know (i am sure) to most parents song from "Zolushka/Cinderella" Russian movie -"Встаньте, дети, встаньте в круг".
If you can't remember what it is all about here is a good place to refresh the memory 😉
Tip for Parents:
To continue the classroom experience find some time during the week and watch this wonderful old Russian movie "Cinderella" (1947). There are plenty online resources - one of the is YouTube. Here is the script of the song we were singing together (we did a shorter version though) - have fun!
(Добрый жук)
к/ф «Золушка»
Слова Е. Шварца,
музыка А. Спадавеккиа
Встаньте, дети, встаньте в круг,
Встаньте в круг, встаньте в круг!
Жил на свете добрый жук,
Старый добрый друг.
Никогда он не ворчал,
Не кричал, не пищал,
Громко крыльями трещал,
Строго ссоры запрещал.
Встаньте, дети, встаньте в круг
Встаньте в круг, встаньте в круг!
Ты мой друг, я твой друг,
Старый верный друг!
Полюбили мы жука,
Старика, добряка —
Очень уж душа легка
У него, весельчака.
Встаньте, дети, встаньте в круг
Встаньте в круг, встаньте в круг!
Ты мой друг, я твой друг,
Старый верный друг!