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What Do YOU Know about Hedgehogs?

We don’t know how much YOU know but we now know quite a bit!! With a special guest today (she doesn’t look like a hedgehog at all though) we continue the fall theme. Through games not only we enrich our vocabulary but also learnt a little bit of something new every week


Math functions of More > and Less < were the main topic of today. We did a few individual assignments together with the group activities and fun craft to learn and practice.


Developing writing skills together with the fall topic of Forest and animals that live there we exlored hedgehogs!

We are also staring learning simple poems and songs. First poem we are learning is the one by Agnia Barto “Наша Таня Громко Плачет».

Наша Таня громко плачет

Уронила в речку мячик.

Тише, Танечка, не плачь,

Не утонет в речке мячь.

Parents Tip: Make it fun!!

There’s no getting around the fact that raising a bilingual child is a lot of hard work for everyone involved, so it’s vital to make the experience enjoyable, too—to whatever degree you can. It’s an odd balance, but I think it’s important to be both very serious and very playful at the same time: serious about the process and yet playful when it comes to carrying that process out. Half of this is simply attitude, but the other half involves implementing activities (books, stories, riddles, games, etc.) that can nurture language development in a lighthearted way.

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