We Did It!
Yes we did and thank you all for celebrating this special moment with us last week! A year ago I made a decision that turned my life upside down, made me very disciplined about planning and has turned me into an “addict” as I love-love seeing these little faces every week...
We celebrated our school first birthday!! Thank you all for coming!!!!!
It was not all about party though.. we did have our classes and here is a quick recap:
Фиолетовый was the color of the day while we practiced some fun coloring activities. Adding and subtracting combined with the fall craft (wolf).
Letter Ы in writing and vocal practice, story time and drawing, dancing a more!
Tip for parents: Keep the “core conditions” in mind!
The two “core conditions” for successfully fostering language acquisition and active use are exposure and need: the child must receive sufficient exposure to the target language and feel an organic need to use it. If one or both conditions are lacking, the more likely outcome is “passive ability” in that language. In other words, the child understands much of what is heard, but tends to rely on the majority language to communicate. Of course, this passive ability can be later activated, but again, progress requires satisfying these two “core conditions.” At heart, success on the bilingual journey is always tied to exposure and need.