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How Well Can You Count?

We can and pretty well!


What a fun it was today with all the games and math puzzles we did! We started with the patterns and Nikitin blocks, I was so proud to see all our little learners to build their colored patterns. New color today - yellow! We did individual assignments as well as fun group activities to practice.


We were working on the writing skills, expanding vocabulary with flash cards and fun craft work!

Parents Tip

Prioritize it!!

Making this a priority goes hand in hand with being proactive. If the development of your child’s minority language isn’t one of your family’s highest priorities, chances are the majority language will quickly come to be dominant and the minority language will be relegated to a more passive role. Don’t underestimate how quickly this can happen once the child enters the world and spends the bulk of his hours bathed in the language of the wider community. Make the minority language a priority from the get-go and you’ll strengthen the odds of achieving long-term success.

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